Jiří Novotný

How would you describe what you do?
As an endless search, entertainment and fight.

What is design for you?

How did you get to work with TABLO?
It resulted from the circumstances, it was the only way for us to tighten some of the projects and how to get things done… so we established TABLO.

What personality influences you?
Those, who can do something to inspire me.

What book do you have on the bedside table?
Kamilka and teddy bear Misha.

What was your favorite school subject?
The tubule from Versatilka pencil 🙂

Journey of your dreams?
Around the world, at least one round.

+ question for Jiří:
A lover of fast driving, but your motorbike goes on the trip rarely. How so?
More worries, less pleasures increased 🙂 I’ll take that as a temporary pause.

Jiří designed:

Iva Jirka